200 Universités viennent de lancer 600 cours gratuits sous la forme de MOOCs. Voici ceux qui pourraient vous intéresser:
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning from deeplearning.ai (taught by Stanford prof. Andrew Ng)
- Machine Learning from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization from deeplearning.ai
- Structuring Machine Learning Projects from deeplearning.ai
- Sequence Models from deeplearning.ai
- Convolutional Neural Networks from deeplearning.ai
- Accessible Gamification for Business from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Bayesian Methods for Machine Learning from Higher School of Economics
- Natural Language Processing from Higher School of Economics
- Introduction to Deep Learning from Higher School of Economics
- Deep Learning in Computer Vision from Higher School of Economics
- Cutting Edge Deep Learning For Coders, Part 2 from fast.ai
- Advanced MATLAB for Scientific Computing from Stanford University
- Data Science: R Basics from Harvard University
- Big Data Analytics in Healthcare from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Python Data Visualization from Rice University
- Python Data Analysis from Rice University
- Understanding Your Data: Analytical Tools from University of Virginia
- Big Data and the Environment from University of Reading
- Predictive Modeling in Learning Analytics from University of Texas Arlington
- Simulation Neuroscience from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Retrouvez la liste complète ici. Merci à Mélissa K. pour l’info.
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